A global authoritative index for everyone and everything in the music industry

We believe that a decentralized information management framework is needed to fill the gaps in the music industry. Collectively governed with and by the industry itself. This is what we are building.


Decentralized Governance

Distributed storage of data and decentralized governance models provide trust. Governance is controlled by a versatile and fine grained rights model that control different aspects of the network, where every network participant is in full control of their specific contribution.


Today’s music industry suffers greatly from incomplete and inconsistent overviews. Therefore together we must address the entire flow from musical works, sound recordings, licensing and rights associated with payment flows.

Dynamic Templating

Our ledger has several key properties permeating all design decisions of the network. Central is a dynamic templating system. Repertoire provides a rich templating structure allowing to easily manage all central concepts, rights, metadata and payment information.

Industry Standards

We embrace existing standards in the music industry, e.g. DDEX, ISRC, ISWC, UPC, IPI, ISNI. In addition we support data initiatives like the Open Music's API, Mycelia's Creative Passport and more.

Attestation Network

Granular attestation levels per record will verify the correctness of the information stored on the ledger. These also are aimed at correctly accounting for attribution. In addition we continue to work on enhanced decentralized incentive mechanisms.


Repertoire is based on reverse engineered original Bitcoin blockchain source code, while stripping unnecessary features and adding novel features, like a dynamic templating system structured with JSON.

See the Technology section for more information and some preliminary examples from the current alpha test network.


Why now? Why us?

There is a huge demand for a decentralized storage related to music copyright. We belief that at the core an open decentralized ledger for copyright information is needed, allowing others to build layers and third party services on top of this.

We have have been developing blockchain technology since 2013, including building an industry-wide ecosystem permissioned blockchain, a new cryptocurrency, and having been key to aligning over a hundred companies in the copyright and licensing industry to share data between each other.

We are based in Amsterdam (Netherlands) and Stockholm (Sweden).

Members of our team have many years of experience in software engineering, the music industry, open industry innovation and/or corporate strategy. Most also are senior software engineers (e.g. large backend systems, data analytics, machine learning) and still code everyday.

User friendly and intuitive UIs are crucial, which is also why we have a design specialist in our collective.

We acknowledge other decentralized music rights initiatives, which we support in their endeavor but often differ with in perspective regarding e.g. which rights layers are demanded to be open and which not.



Repertoire is an open network. This means that any party that have valid copyright information or other forms of metadata for music is encouraged to contribute.

We are especially interested in contributions from rights holders, publishers, collecting societies, digital service providers, as well as individual contributions. We also are developing API access to enable bulk data transfer and/or machine-to-machine automation.

If you have information that you want to add to the network, reach out to us and we will establish your unique account on the network.


If you want to make financial contributions to the creation of the Repertoire network, the most convenient way is with crypto currency. Any funds received will be dedicated in full to development efforts for network realisation.

BTC Bitcoin 188Ei3zQ3Nv8hcvXhNhcaxHqJAMfrNbNuA

BCH Bitcoin Cash 188Ei3zQ3Nv8hcvXhNhcaxHqJAMfrNbNuA

BSV Bitcoin SV 188Ei3zQ3Nv8hcvXhNhcaxHqJAMfrNbNuA

ETH Ether

For larger contributions or in traditional currencies, please get in contact with us.


For information in the network to be of greatest value, validation of correctness is essential. We see copyright holders/owners,collecting societies, record labels, aggregators and fingerprinting companies central in this role. If your organisation is interested in exploring this opportunity, reach out to us.

With experts in/from blockchain technology, cryptography and the music industry we work on enhanced attribution mechanisms. Contact us for more information if you want to contribute in the development, or learn more about what we are working on.


We work closely with several parties in the music industry.

With experts in the blockchain community and academia we work on new technologies and mechanisms.

More information soon.

Please contact us for more information or partnership details.

Initiatives that we support


Members of the Repertoire Network work in close collaboration with Mycelia to ensure the alignment of both our initiatives and platforms.

A brief overview of Mycelia's mission statement:

To empower a fair, sustainable and vibrant music industry ecosystem involving all online music interaction services

To unlock the huge potential for creators and their music related metadata so an entirely new commercial marketplace may flourish

To ensure all involved are paid and acknowledged fully

To see that commercial, ethical and technical standards are set to exponentially increase innovation for the music services of the future

To connect the dots with all those involved in this shift from our current outdated music industry models, exploring new technological solutions to enliven and positively impact the music ecosystem

Open Music Initiative

Founding members of the Repertoire Network collaborated early on in the Open Music Initiative (OMI). We strongly support OMI and aim to ensure that Repertoire is OMI-compliant.

OMI is a non-profit initiative of Berklee College of Music, composed of leading academic institutions, music and media industry organizations, creators, technologists, entrepreneurs, and policy experts who love and value music.

The initial goal of OMI was to identify gaps in the music ecosystem that, when corrected, would result in additional compensation flowing to music creators and contributors.

OMI members own their own intellectual property (IP), and license it via open standard (preferred) or directly; OMI does not own the IP.


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